Sunday, October 12, 2008

The Pumpkin Patch- with some Cranky Kids

The boys were incredibly cranky this weekend, so we thought we might get a change of scenery and head to the pumpkin patch. It turned the mood...some. We still had a good measure of crying and whining, but in a wide open field it does not seem as bad.

Owen loved his face painted bat. Henry thought that the little pumpkins were balls and hurled them all around. Owen loved the patch but absolutely refused to smile for my idilic pumpkin shots. Oh well..we got a great pumpkin and some ok photos to remember it by. Here is hoping whatever moon of cranky was over our house this weekend will move right on by.

1 comment:

Cristie said...

OMG-we've had sooooo much crying and whining over here as well. I almost thought Noah must be sick and need to go to the doctor or something because he's acting so plain rotten...but alas...I think it's just him. Great. :) We had a few tantrums at the pumpkin patch as well. Your pictures turned out great though!