Thursday, August 26, 2010

Henry as Henry V

Here is my little Henry taking his first shot at the Bard's Henry.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Thursday, August 5, 2010

*First Day of School and a Lost tooth too*

Waiting for the bus.

Mom- I really don't want to take a picture...I might miss the bus.

The bus at last!

Today Kindergarten, tomorrow college. This is the moment I felt Owen's childhood passing before me.

As if Kindergarten was not enough to make me feel like life was passing quickly, Owen lost his first tooth this week.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Summer Vacation

Since it is back to school time, I guess it is time I update the blog with some pics from our great summer vacation to Isle of Palms.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Henry's 3rd Birthday party

Thomas' awesome Gabba banner.Henry checking out the lay of the land.
Henry enjoying the bounce house with his friends.

Henry was WAY mad when I could'nt get the candle lit because of the wind. He did not like my proposal to "pretend it was lit"
Lit at last.
Owen over enjoying his cupcake.
Henry was so done in by his party he collapsed on Great Grandma. Grandma-91, Henry almost 3 (and Theo 12) all taking a chillax together.

Friday, March 26, 2010

New Blog Title bar

I MUST give credit where credit is due and say that my knew title bar is a complete knock off of The Caroline/ Rusty portion of the Grant family blog. I have long coveted theirs and I FINALLY learned how to make one of my own.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Owen and Henry's Snowy Adventure

Owen decided today was the perfect day to go on an expedition. So we did...beyond the fence and into the snowy ivy covered chaos that is our back back yard. He even took a backpack in case of the discovery of buried treasure. It was quite entertaining and I predict many more good times to be had back there.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Snow day in the GA

Brothers in Snow

Did I mention Henry got another bad haircut?

Catching flakes
An after hours walk

We did NOT build this snowman. Some neighbors down the street did. We just took a photo. Owen was annoyed I made him trespass.
Owen decided the neighborhood mailboxes needed cleaning so "the mailman can find his way".